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The work of the church is entirely funded by voluntary donations, and we are very grateful to everybody who supports us in this way. In addition to what happens in Clevedon and local mission initiatives, we also give away a proportion of our income to missionary organisations, primarily the Baptist Missionary Society and the Baptist Home Mission Fund.

If you are new to the church or have any questions, please contact John Wheeler, our treasurer. If you can help us and are a tax-payer, don’t forget to let us have a Gift Aid declaration so that we can reclaim the tax you have paid on your donations. This currently adds 25% to the value of your donations but you have to be sure that you have paid enough tax to cover the amount we claim back from HMRC.

You can also support the work by making a donation on-line. You will need a credit or debit card to make a donation in this way, but you can set it up as a one-off or a recurring gift, and you can add Gift Aid to donations made in this way too.

Whatever method you use to support the work of the church we are very, very grateful to you.


Here you can find links to our standing order mandate and Gift Aid declaration forms:

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